Wades Charity and Thomas Coombs

There can be few charities with a history as long and rich as Leeds-based Wades.

The charity can trace its origins back to 1530 during the reign of King Henry VIII, when Thomas Wade left property in his will, which has since been added to by others, for the benefit of the people of Leeds.

Now managed by its Trustees – the monies produce an income from which grants are offered to Leeds-based charities and community groups. Wade’s Charity also owns many open spaces in Leeds such as Gotts Park and Middleton Park.

“The team of accountants at Thomas Coombs have worked with us since around 2002,” said Grants Adviser and Administrator, Kathryn Hodges.

“They undertake our accounts and audit work and I’ve always been struck by how helpful they are.

“They constantly look to add value – in fact more than any other firm of accountants I have worked with.

“We appreciate the fact that the firm, and Christopher in particular, specialises in working with charities. This depth of knowledge is particularly useful. It also helps that they are local to us although besides working face to face, it’s also very easy to get in touch with them by phone.

“In addition to producing our accounts, Thomas Coombs deal with our annual audit and despite the fact that we work to a tight schedule, the audit process always goes smoothly and is signed off on time.

“I would happily recommend Christopher and the team to other charities – particularly if an organisation is looking for a proactive firm that adds value to their audit and accounts.”

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